Here's a picture of me from August last year. This is the picture that changed my life.
Is this a bad picture? Not really! I mean, I don't look dead or anything. And that's one of my very good friends, Erica, btw. Everyone say hi to Erica!! She's so purty. :D
Anywho, side shots really aren't good for any of us bigger girls, but this one...THIS one...oh Lord, I had to shield my eyes in my shame. Is that REALLY what I look like?
I realized that I really needed to do something. I started going to the doctor and discovered that my thyroid was completely out of whack. Between this picture and the next one, I adjusted my diet, took a radioactive iodine pill, and recovered from that as well.
Here's me in December of last year:
Clearly, I was starting to lose the extra weight. And this sweater has always looked amazing on me. :) But anyway, I got a TON of comments from friends who were so happy to see how much healthier I was looking. Obviously, I was REALLY uncomfortable in this picture (look how tense my shoulders are!), and it tells the story of how uncomfortable I was in my body still. It was my first full-body picture since that one above, and all I could think was "please don't let me look like that, please don't let me look like that..."
Here's me at the 5K at the end of April:
Not my happiest face, but to be fair, it was 40 degrees and WINDY! Brr! Anywho, this was the goal I had set at the beginning of the year - to run a 5K. My body is a different shape in this picture, though I didn't actually lose much weight. Talk about muscle toning though! Shaving is MUCH more challenging now that I have to shave around muscles and tendons I couldn't see there before.
Along this journey, I learned that I have several factors that affect my body shape and body fat content. I need regular exercise. I need to eat better. I need to eat less in general. I need to take time for relaxation. I need to make sure my blood sugar is under control. I need to make sure my thyroid is functioning properly. So many things to balance!!
And the one thing I've finally learned that seems to be making a difference now is getting rid of extra stress in my life.
So, I took this today as I was preparing for my morning workout (read: sports bra LOL). I didn't weigh myself (scales depress me), but I want to just take a moment to brag, just for a second, about the improvements I've made. Even though I hadn't showered or applied makeup yet. :) Here I am!
Nice, right? I'm proud of myself.
Here's the first photo alongside this new photo so you don't have to give yourself vertigo by scrolling up and down and up and down...
I hope the improvements continue. I hope I can continue to build for myself a healthy lifestyle so I can live a nice, long, full life.
And there is NO WAY I could have gotten this far without my friends an family. Because they are the reason I do this. I do this so I can go to future weddings, meet future family members, go to future baby showers, and so much more. I want so badly to be around for that stuff! And so, thank you! Thank you to ALL of you.
I will still need your continued support and guidance, because this is a life-long struggle. But I just wanted to take a moment to show what your efforts have done. You are all awesome and I love you all. :D
Way to go Stephanie! I'm so proud of you! Keep up the amazing work!!!