
When it rains, it pours...

Problem 1: My job.

A fight broke out a couple weeks ago and since then at least two other people have given my boss their two week's notice. Not to mention that our Vice Principal has also left...apparently she'll be helping out in the evenings when she can but that means the rest of the day it's just my boss doing all the work. Makes for a stressed boss, which makes for stresses staff, which makes for stressful weeks. I'm beginning to worry that we won't have enough staff for all the kids we currently have enrolled in our summer camp program. Nobody knows yet if the two women involved in the fight are able to come back yet...and I was kinda hoping to move to infants since my kids pretty much would rather Lord of the Flies-it out.

Problem 2: Getting to Colorado Springs.
My dad tells me we'll have to fly into Denver if we want to go to Jake and Crissy's wedding (and we do!!!). Colorado Springs is about 83 ish miles from Denver. That means we'll have to rent a car...which we don't have the money for because...

Problem 3: Lucy has Parvo.

My stupidity has led my poor puppy to the puppy hospital. She spent the night last night and she'll be spending the night tomorrow night too. I am very upset that I forgot those last two installments of the puppy shots and she f*cking got it. My own fault (although the vet we're seeing never once even implied that it's my fault) and I have been on-and-off crying due to this. Parvo is an incurable, contagious virus. All we can do is try to beat down the symptoms with medication, IV fluids, around the clock care and so on. So my poor Lucy is holed up in an isolated room by herself at the Animal Hospital and we are hoping and praying that she comes out of this alright. We're supposed to leave on Tuesday for the wedding and now I'm really nervous to leave her alone for that long. We were hoping to have someone lined up to keep her at their place but with this nasty illness we can't even ask that much of anyone who has a dog. Plus she'd need around the clock watching for the next week or so and medications so the hospital suggested we do medical boarding for $30 a night, including meds and such. We might do that, but I'm so concerned for her emotional health right now. She's used to spending all the time snuggled up with someone if she's not in the bathroom. At any rate, we're worried about her and when we went in to see her today, she had diarrhea all over the place apparently. She hasn't eaten yet but she's still stable so there's that at least. 

Problem 4: Mold.

Trygve picked a pillow up off the floor in the bedroom yesterday and the underside of the pillow is COVERED in mold. Um, yuck. Thankfully it was an old pillow but I was like wha?? So I start picking up the clothing that had been sitting on the floor for about a month (struggling with getting our place in order) and I discover that the clothes are damp. I'm concerned at this point and start pulling things up off the floor. The suitcase I have is COVERED in green mold (which is difficult to see at first because it's a green suitcase) and then I pull out the bottom drawer of my dresser and I nearly hurl...there's enough mold in there to sink a toy boat. And one part is reaching for my pants, likely attempting to consume them somehow. The pants were clean before and now I'm so grossed out I might just chuck them. I pulled the drawer out and it is nearly enveloped in green fuzz. Trygve stopped what he was doing and put on the rubber gloves, grabbed the Clorox Clean Up and went to town on it. I pulled out more drawers and they were alright but when I moved the dresser away from the wall, it was DISGUSTING. The dresser back was covered in light green fuzz from the bottom to about halfway up. I have pictures of this because I am starting to think it's a structural thing. I mean, come on!! My dresser shouldn't have mold on it!! 

The wall had mold on it, the carpet was damp and so we pretty much bleached the hell out of that part of the room. I am still working on washing anything that was nearby and it's taking awhile. I also have to pull more stuff away from the wall and also go get more bleach as we are nearly out and we're going to need more when Lucy comes home (we have to bleach the spot where she poops after we pick it up because the virus is very vigilant and can survive cold and warm temps up to a year...so we have to do this for the next year...) and we nearly suffocated ourselves doing this because our damn windows don't have screens!! I mean, WTF?? I'm complaining before we move out ...this is stupid.

Anyway, I found more mold behind the toilet (on the wall, the floor and on the toilet itself) because there's no f*cking fan in the bathroom and the tiny window is not an effective fan (because it's not a fan). So thank God we were able to clean all of these things. Hopefully we can bring Lucy home to a fresh and clean apartment. 

I just hope Trygve, Lucy and God can forgive me for forgetting to give her her last two shots. I feel so stupid and completely to blame on this one. We'll be talking about shots before we bring her home so we never have to put her or ourselves through this again. Poor puppy, she doesn't deserve this. And I'm grossed out that there was that much mold right next to the bed. I don't know how I haven't keeled over from all of the fumes and disgusting bacteria that are EVERYWHERE in this apartment. 

Problem 5: Bugs.

We've also been battling both fly and ant invasions and I'm hoping that getting the dishes done and pulling the oven out (if we can) and bleaching back there as well will help. Trygve and I spent probably 20 minutes stalking and killing house flies that have apparently decided to roost here. I think we got all but two and we're still hunting them. We're kind of hoping the fumes from the bleach will help incapacitate them so we can just smush them. The ants are smart and I have bleach. I hope I win that battle.

Problem 6: Trygve's Work.

(that pretty much sums it up.)

Problem 7: I am exhausted ALREADY and the hard part is still coming. God help us.


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