
You know you're sick when:

1. Bananas taste like tacos.
2. Tacos taste like air.
3. You run into every door frame, desk edge, chair, and person during the day.
4. You trip over a rock and dramatically fall onto your back in the middle of a parking lot.
5. Suddenly you're obsessed with "cute" Kleenex boxes.
6. Being able to smell ANYTHING is a miracle. Even the nasty garbage.
7. You avoid crunchy foods because the echo in your full sinuses is VERY loud.
8. A "good" night's sleep consists of more hours of tossing and turning than the night before.
9. Caffeine becomes a necessity to functioning (not that I'm complaining or anything).
10. You're willing to try nearly anything to stop the "pretending I'm drunk" dizzies.
11. You go to bed at 8pm.
12. You tote your Kleenex and hand sanitizer wherever you go.
13. When your ears pop, you feel a great sense of relief.
14. You're surrounded by several layers of blankets, clothing, and so on, nest style due to the chills.
15. Soup + hot tea = YES.
16. Falling up stairs is no longer a novelty item.
17. When you get excited about Sudafed, your boss raises an eyebrow at you.
18. You have to ask everyone to repeat themselves (good practice for getting older).
19. You can almost hear the fluids swish around in your head.
20. "I'm so tired, but I can't sleep" is your new motto.

Oh, by the way, I've caught a cold.


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