

We made it to Minnesota!

I did post to facebook several times on the trip, only to find out that the number I was texting my status updates to doesn't do that anymore. So basically all my clever and goofy pictures, videos, and statuses floated off into space. 

*le sigh*

But we did make it! We crossed the border into Minnesota on Monday night and made it to Eagle Lake, MN right around 8:15 pm or so. 

Things that have happened since then:

*Had an AWESOME interview with the Leasing Manager at Laurel Village Apartments in Minneapolis.
*Discovered some very good fried chicken thanks to my sister's husband.
*Watched a cocker spaniel get groomed.
*Discussed old western movies with a seven-year-old.
*Came up with names for my sister's soon-to-be new puppy.
*Unpacked the 26 foot truck partly into T's parents' house and partly into a storage unit. 
*Called AAA to jump the car (was dead on the dolly!) and discovered the battery is crap.
*Unhooked and hooked up the trailer/tow dolly/car tow thingy.
*Ate a spaghetti dinner at the local ELCA church and had Lenten Service there as well.
*Slept. A lot. 
*Ate. A lot.
*Found the car with a flat tire and called AAA again to get the spare put on.
*Took the car to Tires Plus and discovered a two inch screw caused it to go flat.
*Worn a sweatshirt or sweater every day.
*Took a tour of the local Aldi's for cheaper food options.
*Figured out how to make T's parents' scanner work on my laptop (this actually did take some doing -- it wasn't downloading the driver correctly).
*Had a date with T at Grizzly's.
*Tried fish tacos for the first time ever in my life.
*Watched "The Dark Knight Rises." 
*Gave Lucy a bath.
*Bought more puppy pick-up baggies.
*Lost both my earmuffs and my matching gloves.
*Went to a middle school band concert.
*Bought a cheese ball for the first time ever in my life.
*Put forth a lengthy opinion on facebook.
*Drank coffee black for the first time ever in my life.

As you can see, I'v been pretty busy. I'm still struggling with complete exhaustion from the whole process and so is T. We've been hard-pressed just to take showers! 

(Source: Tumblr.com)

Lucy has been her  normal adorable self. My MIT absolutely adores her and rocks her like a baby. my FIT even likes her, although he refuses to pet her. But she doesn't care. She'll still go running around after him when he gets up from the couch.

(Again, Tumblr.com.)

As for the video documentaries, I only made one and I haven't had the time or the energy to search for the camera cord necessary to upload it to the internet. So basically, I'm a big lazy bum right now. 

(Thank you, Tumblr.com.)

Now if you'll 'scuse me, I need a nap.

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