
The End of Something Good

Friends, I have sad news. =*(

I am about to lose the best job I ever had and I'm trying VERY hard not to think about it! I've been covering for a woman who's been on maternity leave and although she told me there was a VERY good chance she was going to put in her two weeks notice as soon as she came back, we haven't heard from her at all. Basically I'm thinking one of two things: either she isn't going to put in her two weeks notice and she's totally avoiding talking to anyone about it until she's back and I'm gone OR she just REALLY doesn't want to come back and will put in her two weeks the very first day.

I'm really hoping for the second one (although I would never wish unhappiness on her!!) but I have to prepare for the worst, meaning the loss of something so special! I know I sound like one of those crazy people but I really do love this job! If you pray, pray I get to stay!!


Our new place is BEAUTIFUL and we love it to pieces. No mold! Yay! It's also much more spacious and since we moved in I've already had two parties and I'm expecting to have at least one more, if not two, before the end of the year. I will upload pictures as soon as I can!

I will update more tomorrow (assuming I have time) and give some details on how things are going. I hope you all are doing well!!

Random picture!!


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