
Songs I'm Crazy About

First, Rick Astley. *le sigh*

I mean seriously, how can you resist the long beautiful red hair and the white tux?? Especially the hair flip at 3:00. =) Sexy. And then the jam session at 4:25? Awesome!!

I also like these videos of his:

The video is weird but the music is positive and catchy. :)

This one loads much better and it's more recent! :) I like his style. :*)

Also, if you know ANYTHING about me, you know I <3 Josh Groban.

I obviously have a thing for long-haired guys...what is that about??

This is by far my favorite song of his. It reminds me of my friend, Brittney, whom I loved as one of my few friends and lost at a very young age. Just thinking of her now makes me tear up.

*wipes away the tears*

Okay! Moving on.

That's just a tid-bit of music I like from those two artists. I have found that this song gets stuck in my head after listening to it just once:

He's not bad. :) It's VERY catchy.

:) You can't not love this kid. "Beh-rer."

Okay, okay, I'm going to bed. Gonna lose an hour tomorrow anyway. Blech. :)



THIS GIRL is awesome!

1 comment:

  1. I'm on board with everything BUT the Rick Astley. Be careful... you're showing your age! ;) jk.
