
Stuff you, 2012.

As most of you know, T and I haven't really had the easiest start to our marriage. We said "for better or for worse," and we expected there to be some of both. Now, don't get me wrong, in the last two years we've definitely had some "better" times, but ultimately since we moved here karma seems to be playing the "worse" more and more. We've had some really rough times: we almost ran completely out of money during our first 4 months here, we had to get rid of our poor bunny due to allergies, Lucy got parvo and nearly died, T and I had a bad run between us for a few months (bad enough that we were both thinking about the "d" word), bills have piled up, our last apartment was mold-infested, I was diagnosed with three separate and serious health problems within the same week, we've moved three times in two years, and come hell or high water we have somehow stuck it through this mess some people call "life."

I was told that a person shouldn't go through more than one of those above-mentioned things a year. A YEAR. We've been through all that crap in LESS THAN TWO. I'd have to say we're either above-average or below-average people, depending on whether your glass is half full or half empty. We started giggling hysterically, thinking about how we should go to couple's counseling just because we've been through all of that...*picture the two of us sitting in red leather cushy chairs, across the medium ash wood desk of a smallish man with dark balding hair and glasses that perch on the end of his nose* Counselor: "I'm sorry, I just don't have the life experience to help you."

*cue hysterical laughter from us*

Weird? Yes. Is it helping us get through our latest blow? Also yes.

Now, you're going to hate me, but I can't tell you what the latest blow is. But I will tell you that it is a life-changing blow that is going to shock you. It certainly shocked me.

So, instead of telling you, I'm going to post some lyrics to a song that I feel carries some of the weight I'm currently feeling.

Nope, I'm going to do one better. I'm going to post the video to further confuse y'all.

Off to bed.

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