
Lesson #86: Happiness is priceless.

It all started with a virtual makeover. Clairol had me convinced that I would look beautiful as a platinum blonde. I played with every blonde color on the website and this one looked best. I even toyed with the idea of getting a large-curl perm to look just like this!

To be honest, I really did believe that box would turn my hair platinum blonde. I knew many people believed it wouldn't work (I asked for honest opinions on facebook and sure got them), but isn't that how inspirational stories begin? I debated for several hours. I bought the box, then I tried the strand test, and it wasn't platinum blonde but it looked alright.

So I slept on it, and the next morning I was 100% certain I was going to do it. I spent about 2 hours in all, 1 1/2 of it waiting and checking to make sure it was going alright. The issue with the strand test is that they have you test one in the back of your head, not on the top where it is lightest. I showered, so excited, thinking about how I was going to be tempted to rub it in other people's faces. I stepped of out of the shower and the world stopped for a moment. It was almost like I was looking at a picture of myself with Yugioh hair photo-shopped on my head. I was so shocked I couldn't even move. I just dripped on to the bathroom rug. It was painfully obvious that everyone was right, I was a total fool for thinking it would work, and I had made a terrible mistake. I refused to even take the towel off my head to show Trygve for several minutes as I sunk into a deep sadness. Not only would I not be able to show my face at work until it was fixed, I was afraid to even go outside until it was dark out, and then only with a hat.

I convinced Trygve to go get me a box of my usual, Revlon ColorSilk #30-Dark Brown. I toyed with the idea of re-blonding my hair and seeing if I could get it the right color, but I read on several websites that some people have hair that is resistant to lightening and it sort of gets stuck at one color. I also noticed that my hair was dry and rough-feeling. I didn't want to take the chance that I'd ruin my hair. So, I dyed it dark brown this morning. I can go outside during the day, I can go to work again, I can be out in public and not look like an idiot. I am thankful for this.

I have no idea what compelled me to do this. I have no idea what compelled me to ignore the freely-given advice of my friends and family. I have learned that even if the box says "Go from Dark Brown to Ultra Blonde in one easy step!" that it's a worthless piece of crap and I should stay away from it. If I want to go blonde, I should go to a stylist and quit being so damn cheap.

Happiness, after all, is priceless.


  1. If your hair is still rough and dry, I'd let it sit in conditioner for a few minutes every time you wash your hair. I also like the Aussie 5-Minute Miracle. Aveeno makes a great (and cheap) leave-in conditioner that can help, too. Coloring your hair strips it of a lot of things that make it shiny. I had to recondition my hair a ton after I used the DIY kits. I'm glad you're back to "black" and loving it. You're beautiful!

  2. Thanks!! I appreciate the advice-it's already feeling better but it's probably going to take a few treatments. :)

  3. Have you ever tried the mayonnaise in the hair thing??? A lot of my friends with older mothers made them do it all the time if their hair got too dry or damaged. I think it just needs to be something oil-based.
