


I updated some pictures, I changed some stuff around, and if you scroll down to the bottom of my blog you will find a video feed. So, yes. Enjoy.

One of the things I've been thinking about today is whether or not you can be in love with more than one person. When I was in college, I was convinced I was some kind of love guru, giving advice to my friends and classmates whether or not they asked for it. I was a real Nosy Nancy. I was 100% convinced you can only love one person at a time and now I'm not so sure! 

(Okay, I was going to post a picture of a cute baby thinking but when I Googled "cute baby thinking," this came up...WTF??)


Back to the subject on hand...

This comes out of talking to some of my girl friends. How many times do we hear "I love him but I'm not IN LOVE with him." What does that mean? How is that different? Do you love him like you love your favorite bracelet that your dad gave you on a business trip? Do you love him like you love your mom? 

I don't know, maybe we need a more defined set of "love" categories so we can know where to put people. 

Here are some suggestions:


You know what I mean. Those goofy 13-year-old kids who are like "OK LUV U!" to ALL of their friends. And their friends' friends. And their friends' friends' friends. On Facebook and Twitter. Did I mention ALL the time?? Yeah, not talking about this category.

Also known as "puppy love," this kind of love is really just the tip of the "true love" iceberg. It's infatuation at it's finest, and it's usually the first time someone has reciprocated your feelings. Talking about a first-time real crush here. Not really talking about this one, either.

This is the part where things get a little...grey. I know almost every woman in my life has, at one point or another, had a secret crush gone max. This is the one where you see said person every day or you know they're married or something similar (more or less unattainable) and yet, you can't stop thinking about them. You dream about them at night, you think about them in the shower, you think about them pretty much all the time. It gets REALLY grey if you're doing this while you're laying next to your special someone. Does it count as love?? Not sure on this one.


This one is the classic one. The Princess Bride, "true love" thing that everyone hopes for and few attain. "You'll know it when you feel it" and so on and so forth. Don't get me wrong, I knew it and I felt it and I married the man. I'm just saying that some people put so much importance on finding the right person and getting married that they forget that life goes on from there (unlike the classic Disney Princess stories..."and they lived happily ever after" really doesn't cut it when you've just spent 2 hours telling us how two people fell in love...you forgot to tell the kids how they STAYED in love for ever after!). 

I know WAY too many people who have been victimized by a cheater. I also know many people who have been the cheater and hated every moment of it. So why do we cheat then? Is one love just not enough? Or is it the wrong kind of love?

Maybe everyone needs a different kind of love? Maybe one person needs that crazy crush, another needs that steady marriage, and another needs that secret love. Is it healthy, then, to have different kinds of love, especially at the same time? 

Is it okay to secretly crush on someone while being committed to someone else? Is it okay to crush on a committed person? Is it okay to break up with someone after the initial infatuation phase simply because it's not as exciting naturally anymore?

Who decides this stuff, anyway? 

HELP ME OUT HERE! I need your opinions...please leave them in the comments.


And I also love the sauce, which is why I bought two bottles of it last week and have gone through one already. Not the best thing for my diet, I know. WORTH IT. Yum!

Okay, I'm out. :) Peace!


1 comment:

  1. I think that attraction is natural. I also don't believe that we're meant to love one person. I think we're capable of all kinds of love all at once. As a friend brought this up a few weeks ago on Facebook, I have been thinking about it a little. I'll tell you the same thing I told her: we give pieces of ourselves to other people but we don't ever take away from the whole. It's like love is a fragrance that is left on someone else without detracting from the source. I know that I am still in love with old flames, but the extent I love them compared to Jake is almost nothing. I know I've found my niche with Jake. We complement each other well and we appreciate each other. I think that love is dependent on having a good relationship, good communication, and embracing unconditional love.
