

"This is my family. I found it, all on my own. It is little, and broken, but still good. Yeah, still good."

Recently, T and I have been on different pages. We've been snippy with each other about things we find annoying and blaming it on each other. It's been very frustrating.

Today, we were able to see eye-to-eye on a few things and it was very refreshing. We've come to a few conclusions, as well.

a) I don't know how to organize a home. I can organize my desk at work but I simply cannot organize my home. I don't know how!!

b) We need to help each other organize, not just move each other's stuff for the sake of picking up. T knows I HATE IT when he moves my stuff without telling me, but I also am bad at organizing so he's been just putting it where he feels it should go...which I find ANNOYING AS HELL.

c) We're coming up on the time when we'll be able to decide how we want to tie themes into each room. I've been very frustrated lately because some of our friends are able to travel and do all kinds of fun things and I feel like we can't even afford to buy a bath mat to match the shower curtain. T made a good point in showing me the things we've been paying off that will be done in the same month, allowing a good chunk of money to come available for those sorts of things in about three months. Today we went on an exploration adventure and went through Bed Bath and Beyond, DSW and a furniture store and discovered we weren't really able to buy anything we wanted in those stores (yet). I made the point that I've been waiting over two years for a real diamond in my wedding ring (did I mention that story yet?) so I'm feeling very pessimistic about when I'll get a 6-chair dining set. Hopefully the tides will change and more things will become available.

d) We need to re-organize several rooms in our apartment. This revelation came to us as we discussed our frustrations with our cupboard space and T's unique dishes. Ideas started to come to us and we took off to Walmart to look at available options for organization...and THAT'S where we found the perfect bench to use to organize and put on shoes. Karma? Blessing? Whatever it was, it was GREAT. Now we've got that one piece of the puzzle taken care of. I'm really looking forward to putting the other pieces together.

So yes. We had a good day, once we got up the motivation to leave our apartment. AND I convinced T that Wendy's is much better than it used to be. :) They renovated the one close to our apartment (the original Wendy's was actually here in Columbus) and it's SHINY. It reminds me of a Ruby Tuesday but smaller and still with the fast-food line stuff. I like it a lot though...I guess they're going to start renovations on all the Wendy's in Columbus since this one is doing so well now that it's so sleek.

That's all I got tonight. So I'll leave you with this thought.

"Lord, if You can't make me skinny, please make my friends fat."

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